Toggle event not firing first time

Hi guys,

My toggle works fine on the button with the id hide_show, however if I close the panel with an alternative button,(close_link) the toggle event thinks its still sending a close command. This means that I must click the button hide_show twice to get the panel to slidedown again.

What is the best way around this?

                 var src ="image/data/ButtonsGlyphsSymbols/hide_order.png";
		$(".review_order").attr("src", src).animate({height:"61"}, "fast");
                 var src ="image/data/ButtonsGlyphsSymbols/review_order.png";
		$(".review_order").attr("src", src);

			  var src ="image/data/ButtonsGlyphsSymbols/review_order.png";
		       $(".review_order").attr("src", src);

Am I right in my diagnosis? Its because toggle wants to fire the events sequentially and having another button hide the panel is disrupting this sequence?

I know that I can do:

                              var src ="image/data/ButtonsGlyphsSymbols/hide_order.png";
		              $(".review_order").attr("src", src).animate({height:"61"}, "fast");
                              var src ="image/data/ButtonsGlyphsSymbols/review_order.png";
		              $(".review_order").attr("src", src);

But what if I wanted to keep toggle?