Tools for CDN performance testing


recently I needed test performance of CDN network over my previous hosting. I took me some time to figure it out, so maybe this post can save yours.

I tested CDN77 (a Content Delivery Provider) and their 14 day free trial just to have short opportunity to try out some CDN. These tools can be used with every other CDN network.

1/ If you need to test website loading speed from any particular location around world use Definitely use Advanced solution and select Native connection.

Output is simple and straightforward, full of helpful insights.

2/ For testing download speed use command line tool wget:

wget --debug --header “Host:”

You can also use command traceroute or mtr to see path from your computer to the desired CDN location.

3/ If you want to test load time from whole world (more than 50 locations) on one place give a shot. First put in your site, then CDN and compare results.

I hope this will be useful! I achieved great improvements in loading and download time. And I don’t even speak about Video on Demand solution with instant seeking, which is incredible.

You can Contact on your site hosting company for CDN, Because CDN is very impotent for your page loading in web.

On the contrary, it’s a very powerful tool for speeding up page loads.

CDN is very impotent for your page loading in web.

On the contrary, it’s a very powerful tool for speeding up page loads.

I don’t get it guys :slight_smile: What is the difference?


Don’t worry, I was just being cheeky. “CDN is very impotent” is what the OP wrote, but not what he meant. :slight_smile: [/ot]

Here is a great tool for testing cloud and CDN speed: is pretty cool. I am using CDN Networks which has improved website load times considerably, but it is rather expensive. I started with Amazon’s CDN which is a much cheaper, pay as you go option (although you do have to pay for support). But they don’t allow certain types of dynamic content. So I had to find another option … I liked that Amazon CDN doesn’t require a contract and their fee is purely based on usage though. I wish I could’ve stayed with them.

You can also use MaxCDN Tools in order to see how CDN changes your web performance.