Tooltip in an iframe needs to be displayed on parent window

I have some script that creates a tooltip (<div>) when you hover over certain information with in a table. the problem is that this table is in an iframe inside of a page. when the tooltip becomes too big for the iframe the viewable sections get cut off. what i would like to do is get it to layer over the parent window so that the entire div shows not just a piece of it. any help?

thanks in advance!

when the tooltip becomes too big for the iframe the viewable sections get cut off.

Obviously content in your iframe, like your tooltip <div> can’t spill over onto the main page. You have to put the <div> on the main page if you want it to be completely visible.

ok heres my 1 file

#dhtmltooltip{position:absolute;left:-300px;width:150px;border:1px solid black;padding:2px;background-color:#8C9EB5;visibility:hidden;z-index:100;color:#FFFFFF;font-weight:bold;filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(color=gray,direction=135);}
<script type="text/javascript">
var offsetfromcursorX=5 //Customize x offset of tooltip
var offsetfromcursorY=0 //Customize y offset of tooltip
var offsetdivfrompointerX=3 //Customize x offset of tooltip DIV relative to pointer image
var offsetdivfrompointerY=10 //Customize y offset of tooltip DIV relative to pointer image. Tip: Set it to (height_of_pointer_image-1). //open doc
parent.document.write('<div id="dhtmltooltip"></div>') //write tooltip DIV to doc
parent.document.close() //close doc
var ie=parent.document.all
var ns6=parent.document.getElementById && !parent.document.all
var enabletip=false
var ContentInfo = ""
if (ie||ns6)
  var tipobj=parent.document.all? parent.document.all["dhtmltooltip"] : parent.document.getElementById? parent.document.getElementById("dhtmltooltip") : ""

function ietruebody(){
  return (parent.document.compatMode && parent.document.compatMode!="BackCompat")? parent.document.parent.documentElement : parent.document.body

function tip(TTitle, theWidth){
ContentInfo = '<table>'+
                '<tr><td class="toolTipHeader">Ratings</td><td class="toolTipHeader">Label</td><td class="toolTipHeader">Criteria</td></tr>'+
                '<tr><td class="toolTip">1</td><td class="toolTip">Good</td><td class="toolTip">Average speed for typing 1 word a minute</td></tr>'+
                '<tr><td class="toolTip">2</td><td class="toolTip">Excellent</td><td class="toolTip">Average speed for typing 10 words a minute</td></tr>'+
                '<tr><td class="toolTip">3</td><td class="toolTip">Poor</td><td class="toolTip">Average speed for typing 100 words a minute</td></tr>'+
                '<tr><td class="toolTip">3</td><td class="toolTip">Poor</td><td class="toolTip">Average speed for typing 100 words a minute</td></tr>'+
                '<tr><td class="toolTip">3</td><td class="toolTip">Poor</td><td class="toolTip">Average speed for typing 100 words a minute</td></tr>'+
                '<tr><td class="toolTip">3</td><td class="toolTip">Poor</td><td class="toolTip">Average speed for typing 100 words a minute</td></tr>'+
                '<tr><td class="toolTip">3</td><td class="toolTip">Poor</td><td class="toolTip">Average speed for typing 100 words a minute</td></tr>'+
                '<tr><td class="toolTip">3</td><td class="toolTip">Poor</td><td class="toolTip">Average speed for typing 100 words a minute</td></tr>'+
                '<tr><td class="toolTip">3</td><td class="toolTip">Poor</td><td class="toolTip">Average speed for typing 100 words a minute</td></tr>'+
  if (ns6||ie){
    if (typeof theWidth!="undefined")"px";
    return false;

function positiontip(e){
  if (enabletip){"100px""visible"

function hidetip(){
  if (ns6||ie){
<span onMouseover="tip('', 300)" onMouseout="hidetip()">tooltip</span>

and heres my second file

<body align="center" valign="center">
<iframe src="fun.jsp" width="100%"></iframe>

i need to let this tooltip expand outside of the iframe instead of only inside. i thought there was a way in javascript to do this. if not what other technology will let me do this?
