Transfer of Javasript variables to php page

I have a javascript code that has some variables which stores information in them. Now I want this html page containing javascript to transfer these variables to a new php page. How can I achieve this?

Please let me know. Thanks a lot in advance for your reply.

Depending on what you’re wanting to achieve, you could place those variables as form data, and submit the form to the new php page.

other options include

  1. writing those variables to cookies

  2. appending the variables to a url as a query string in an <a>

  3. use ajax to send the variables to a php page

  1. writing those variables to cookies

  2. appending the variables to a url as a query string in an <a>

  3. use ajax to send the variables to a php page

I dont want to use cookies and I don’t have an idea about ajax. Can you give me further idea about how do I append variables to a url as a query string? Is it by using get and post methods? But I believe get and post methods are not valid in javascript?

post the html and javascript you have so far after which we should be able to give you a specific solution.

I just started learning Javascript so please bear with me if you find any drastic mistakes.

<script type = “text/javascript”>

function square(form)

var test = form.value1.value;

test = test << 2;


var point = document.test.value1.value;
pointcon = point.toString();


var point2 = eval(document.test.value2.value);

var point3 = point + point2;


<form name = “test”>
First name: <input type=“text” name = “value1” value1 = “”/><br />
Last name: <input type=“text” name = “value2” value2 = “”/>
<input type = “button” value = “Submit” onClick=“square(this.form)”/>


For ex: I need the point 3 variable and point 2 variable to be transferred to the query string…

THanks a ton.

That would seem to involve using hidden form values, then updating them from within the script.

Why though are you squaring the “First name” value?

its called function square but it doesn’t compute any square…Irregular naming convention :stuck_out_tongue:

What do you mean by hidden values? I am a beginner to Javascript so can you please be a little clearer. Sorry for that…

it looks like you want to just the send the values entered for first and last name to a php script.

If that is the case, you don’t need the javascript at all.

You just need to add some parameters to your <form>, change the button to type=“submit” and then submit the form.

In the code below, your php script will receive to variables called

$_POST[‘value1’] //will contain the first name

$_POST[‘value2’] //will contain the last name

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<form action="myPhpScript.php" method="post">
First name: <input type="text" name = "value1" value = ""/><br />
Last name: <input type="text" name = "value2" value = ""/>
<input type = "submit" value = "Submit" />

Sure thing, with a hidden form value:

<input type="hidden" name="widgets">

You can update its value (which in the form is always a string) from the script with:

form.elements.widgets.value = widgetCount;

Actually its a little complicated than that…

When the user enters his first name and last name and on clicking submit, it should be directed towards a javascript function where some encryption needs to be done and after that the encrypted values are to be stored in point 1 and point 2. I have not included the encryption thing because I thought I would figure it out later.

During which the visitor is capable of investigating everything that’s going on, including the data being sent back to your server.

Are you sure that’s a good idea?

Yeah wierd as it sounds that was one of the requirement.

It may be wise then to advise your client on the lack of security in the requirement.

ok, then I would do something similar to this.

I haven’t done any error checking and I assume this is just an exercise and not a real lfe application because as pmw57 points out, this is not a secure way of doing things.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<script  type="text/javascript">
function sendForm() {
    var formO = document.getElementById("frm1");
    //reset the textbox values to the encrypted values
    document.getElementById("value1").value = encryptStr(document.getElementById("value1").value);
    document.getElementById("value2").value = encryptStr(document.getElementById("value2").value);
    //now submit the form
function encryptStr(str) {
 //put your encryption code here
    return strOut;
<form id="frm1" action="myPhpScript.php" method="post">
First name: <input type="text" name = "value1" id="value1" value = ""/><br />
Last name: <input type="text" name = "value2" id="value2" value = ""/>
<input type = "button" value = "Submit" onclick="sendForm();" />

Thanks for your efforts. How are the variables being transferred to a php page?

The form is set up to submit to a php page.

<form id="frm1" action="myPhpScript.php" method="post">

The submit button in the form runs the script, which updates the form values.
The form then submits the data to the php page.

Q: This isn’t homework is it?

and within myphpscript.php I can use the get property to access the variables recieved from Javascript right?

Currently the form submits the data using the post protocol, but it’s not too hard to change that so that the form uses the get protocol.

With form method = “post” I think they are added to the headers of the http request to the url of the action attribute in <form>

With form method = “get” they are appended to to the action url as a query string (name value pairs of all your form inputs) and so everyone can easily see what is being sent.

The php script receives the sent form data in arrays called $_POST or $_GET depending on the form’s method value.

So in the code I posted, your php script will receive 2 variables called

$_POST[‘value1’] //will contain the first name

$_POST[‘value2’] //will contain the last name

have a look at this w3schools tutorial on forms.