Trebuchet MS is the best font

It’s not installed on either of my two GNU/Linux systems (Red Hat 9 and Fedora 8, respectively).

Fair enough. I would expect from Linux users that they know how to increase the font size (or make a user-defined style sheet), though (more so than PC users, anyway).

Its ok and i have used it once or twice although i tend to favour both verdana and georgia.

Trebuchet MS is okay for English, but it makes a right mess of the Swedish letters å, ä and ö (especially the lowercase versions).

I don’t think it’s too bad. The æ looks a bit funny, but other than that, I would consider it acceptable.

The diacritical marks are too large in small font sizes and look like they’re about to fall off in larger font sizes.

It’s not a big problem to me, but to each his own :wink:

You probably don’t need to use ä and ö that often. :slight_smile:
Even if æ and ø look a bit off, too, they’re not as bad as the Swedish ones.

I do use them regularly (when writing German), though probably not as often as you. Perhaps Trebuchet MS is better suited for the voluminous and bombastic German words, than the more humble Swedish ones? :smiley:

LOL :slight_smile:
I just think they look lopsided and unbalanced, that’s all. Trebuchet MS is the font face is our office’s graphic profile for print, where it’s decent enough. It’s just the screen version I’m not too happy about.

Black Max, your comment earlier was interesting and I hope you’ll elaborate.

We use Trebuchet exclusively on our site, and I can tell you from long experience, it has severe limitations. If you have to go with just one font, it’s not a bad choice, but you don’t have to go with just one.

I think it look funny and make my site look more informal with the “Trebuchet MS” font and a little cartoon…
Infact I love “Georgia” so much but unfortunately it look bad (difference as it be) on firefox…
I use “Time New Raman” for some export sites, it help the page look elegant also with the graphic style…
So I think use the suitable fonts at your site is better than always use only 1 font.

I agree Goergia is a beautiful font, though I would classify them as different themes for a site, I think you’ll get a much different feel with both with whatever you are doing, and Georgia fits that site better…

Otherwise, I noticed that I really don’t like reading A List Apart at all, I like the colors and organization but i think they use too many fonts on the main page – I think I like reading Times new romans for long articles on websites more than sans-serif fonts – even though i think times is a fairly unnatractive font, its very nice to read but lots of it. i dunno i am tired :slight_smile:

I do agree partially on the verdana font, I dont like reading sites with long articles in verdana, it isnt as fun to scroll through i dunno why lol – Tahoma is nicer but I dont think its anywhere besides Microsoft to start.

same to you i like Georgia…but it all depend on personal choice.

The best font suits best design. :cool:

Verdana and Trebuchet


Old English… cause it’s so “goth”

ok, J/k…

so are we talking body or header? Treb. is pretty nice for for body, but it looks odd when you use it as a <h1> Arial , or even Times do more subtle job. Fortunately they really do mix nicely with Treb.