Unable to figure out this npm error

I’m using node to update my HTML/CSS/JS code. (Here’s an example of what I mean: https://iphonedevlog.wordpress.com/2015/02/24/1730/#more-1730).

I installed a script locally with npm install css-prettifier, then updated the package.json to insert the command (“cssp”: “css-prettifier **.css”), then ran the command (npm run cssp).

I get the error line:

sh: css-prettifier: command not found

Also got:

npm ERR! Failed at the npmTest@ cssp script 'css-prettifier **.css'.

(“npmTest” is the name of the project, and “theme.css” is the .css file in the project.)

What could be preventing the command from working? npm had installed the script files correctly in /node-modules. This page has some information about the script, though I can’t really understand it: https://www.npmjs.com/package/css-prettifier

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