Unable to install xampp

Hi guys,

I like to inform you that I couldn’t install xampp-win32-1.7.3 in my computer for creating a local host/local server.

Then I tried XAMPP 1.7.1 win32 (Basic Package). But it showed the massage: Ports 80 or 443 (SSL) already in use! Installing Apache2.2 service failed!

Please anybody can tell me, what should I do?

Thank you

Do you have another web service running?

Do you have skype running?

This tool can tell you which processes/applications are using what local ports: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897437.aspx

I’ve always used the DOS command prompt
but that tool does look much more user friendly

you can use alternative wampp software

Actually, no. Not for a “port in use” problem. The installer/management package won’t make a difference since Apache and MySQL use the same default ports–80 for apache, and 3306 for MySQL.

Well even if ports are in use you could change the ports easily. Thats not a major issue.

You need to go to xampp folder > apache > conf > httpd.conf

find the port Listen

Listen 80

You can change that to any port and then when you access local host you need to say localhost:XX so that it loads web from that port.

Similarly for 443 port you need to go to httpd-ssl.conf and change the listen port

Then restart apache and you should be ok.

It’s usually better to figure out what’s actually using those ports. They aren’t typically used on home workstation.

Mostly the ports are free but sometimes with applications or even Anti Virus / Firewall softwares installed they sometimes block these common ports. Most of the times I have found that changing the ports solves the issue on most machines

They block external access, yes. You would have to open those ports in the firewall to allow others to connect to webserver services.

However, these applications rarely block local access to these ports or even use these ports. The worst offenders I’ve seen using port 80 or 443 are are chat applications, such as Skype. In Skype, there is a special advanced setting to explicitly prevent Skype from using port 80 and 443.

I use Wamp. May want to try that one.

I have the problem about - How to install XAMPP on windows XP? I have brought XAMPP Win32-1.7.1 from a friend but not know how to install it on my computer, looking here for step-to-step guide to install it correctly.

I am newbie to the PHP web development.


9 times out of 10 it is Skype that is causing the issue. As mentioned, changing local server packages won’t fix the issue and generally, I like to keep my server ports unchanged.

Fire up Skype:

Tools > Options > Advanced > Connection > uncheck Use port 80 and 443 as alternatives for incoming connections > Save


It works! Thank you so much for your tips. Be well.