Unusual activity

I have had some very unusal activity on my website. On saturday and again today I had about 3000 pages read within the space of one hour. They all had the same IP address. They were all from a safari I pad. They were ALL going to the same page - - my index page but translated into russian using google translate

They all came from Nugy, California.

Is this suspicious? After this surge I noticed that my website got fewer hits. So a big surge causes problems and slows down the ability of the host to respond.

Pretty unusual. Unlikely to be a genuine ipad with that hit rate, more likely to be a bot of some nature. The ‘surge’, once ended, shouldn’t have any lasting effects on the capability of the host to serve your pages, unless the surge put you over a bandwidth limit and you are now being throttled, or if other sites on the same server are under siege in a similar way.

I have noticed that if my websites are working slowly then google hits them by referring less. So thats how it hits them