Unwanted '</div>' tag showing up on my homepage, AFTER closing 'body' and 'html' tags

For some reason, on my homepage (http://www.projectdisobey.com/disobeyclothing/) an extra ‘</div> <!-- content #end –>’ is being created in the page source, AFTER the closing ‘body’ and ‘html’ tags.

There is no mention of ‘</div> <!-- content #end –>’ in my ‘footer.php’ file, so why does this show up in the page source?

Please see the attachment.

If anybody could point me in the right direction as to why this might be occurring, and how I might fix it, I would be eternally grateful!


Did you get it fixed? I couldn’t find the extra closing div tag. Checked in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and IE. The page also validated when I checked it.

It’s a nice looking site though. Good work!

Hi Mike. I finally managed to find the cause of the problem and fix it. I’m glad you like the site. I’ve put quite a lot of work into it. All I’m left with is the tedious part of getting it all validated and compatible (The only compatibility issues are in IE, unsurprisingly)…

Haha, well good luck!