updateQS function should be standardized based on the updateSort function

Hello guys,

I have this javascript code that I want to standardize or I want to recode to make it more standard. I have also a basis on how to to this. But since I am new with Javascript, I really need your help.

The javascript that I need to standardize:

	function updateQS(sName, sVal, blnPost)
		var qs = self.location.search;
		if (qs == '')
			qs = "?" + sName + "=" + escape(sVal);
			if (qs.indexOf(sName) == -1)
				qs = qs + "&" + sName + "=" + escape(sVal);
				qs = eval('qs.replace(/(\\\\?|\\\\&)' + sName + '=([^\\\\&]*)/, "$1' + sName + '=' + escape(sVal) + '")');
		if (blnPost)
			self.location.replace("ProjectSearch.asp" + qs);

My basis, this is already standard:

	function updateSort(pageURL, newSortCol, currentSortCol, currentSortOrder)
		var newSortOrder
		//switch ascending to descending (and vice-versa)
		if (currentSortOrder == 'ASC')
			newSortOrder = 'DESC';
			newSortOrder = 'ASC';
		//sortCol is in the querystring, so we have to replace the value of it and determine what sort order to use
		if (newSortCol != currentSortCol)
			//new sort column so force ascending
			newSortOrder = 'ASC';
		//this function alters the URL's querystring for sorting purposes and then refreshes the page (using location.replace)
		var qs = self.location.search;
		if (qs == '')
			//if the current querystring is blank then just add the sorting column and sorting order
			qs = '?sortCol=' + newSortCol + '&sortOrder=' + newSortOrder;
			//if the current querystring is non-blank we have to replace the existing sorting column and sorting order (if any)
			if (qs.indexOf('sortCol') == -1)
				//sortCol is not in the querystring, so you can append it to the end as a new variable and assume order is ascending
				qs = qs + '&sortCol=' + newSortCol + '&sortOrder=' + newSortOrder;
				//replace the value of sortCol
				qs = eval('qs.replace(/(\\\\?|\\\\&)' + 'sortCol' + '=([^\\\\&]*)/, "$1' + 'sortCol' + '=' + newSortCol + '")');
				//replace the value of sortOrder
				qs = eval('qs.replace(/(\\\\?|\\\\&)' + 'sortOrder' + '=([^\\\\&]*)/, "$1' + 'sortOrder' + '=' + newSortOrder + '")');
		//2...replace the location
		self.location.replace(pageURL + qs);

Problem: Make the updateQS function as standard as updateSort function.

Any advised, codes will be appreciated, thanks in advanced.