Urgent: !!!!!how to use dojo.data.ItemFileStore({data:})

i am doing a project using ajax to retrieve the json data which i need to retrieve only the image session…the json code below is only one part of json data, it will have three of them with the same attribute but different content of data…so how am i going to only take the image session part and store in the dojo.data.itemfilestore ({data: })
i try to do this var imgDet = detail.infos.info.image
then put the dojo…({data: imgDet})
but it don’t work …i ask other they say create a object that has a items property with its value taking the array of the images …but how ??

"infos": { 
        "info": [ 
                "startYear": "1900", 
                "endYear": "1930", 
                "timeZoneDesc": "daweerrewereopreproewropewredfkfdufssfsfsfsfrerewrBlahhhhh..", 
                "timeZoneID": "1", 
                "image": { 
                    "items": [ 
                            "id": "1", 
                            "thumb": "images/bird.jpg", 
                            "large": "images/bird.jpg", 
                            "title": "Bird", 
                            "imgDesc": "i can fly" 
                        }, { 
                            "id": "2", 
                            "thumb": "images/dog.jpg", 
                            "large": "images/dog.jpg", 
                            "title": "Dog", 
                            "imgDesc": "i can bark" 
                        }, { 
                            "id": "3", 
                            "thumb": "images/bird.jpg", 
                            "large": "images/bird.jpg", 
                            "title": "Bird", 
                            "imgDesc": "i can fly" 