Use your site's font instead of Chrome and Safari's default font

The default font of Chrome and Safari is Times New Roman. My site uses Verdana. Is there any way Chrome and Safari users only see Verdana on my site, instead of Times New Roman (or any other font they setup in Chrome or Safari)?

body {font:Verdana;}

Can’t see why if you’ve used Verdana it doesn’t show as such. Unless they have a user stylesheet that they have set up to overrule yours (unlikely, most users don’t play with such things).

Times Roman is the default in Firefox and IE as well. If these users see Verdana, your styles are working okay.

I found the problem: @charset “utf-8”; wasn’t on top of my stylesheet, this messed up my body style rule for Chrome and Safari :stuck_out_tongue:
I put it back on top of my stylesheet and now Verdana also shows up in Chrome and Safari :smiley: