Using addEventListener in js when not supported how be progressive in my js code and

using addEventListener in js when not supported how be progressive in my js code and provide equivalent? I need to use moderniz lib?

Only Internet Explorer 8 (and the earlier dead versions) don’t understand event listeners. Those browsers have an attachEvent method that works in a similar way and so all you need is to do to be able to use either of them to attach all your event listeners is to simply create a function that will call one or the other depending on which the browser supports and call that function instead.

Here’s an example of a function that will use whichever of the two that the browser supports (testing which of the two is supported once only the first tile you use it):

addEvent = function(ob, type, fn ) {
if (window.addEventListener)
addEvent = function(ob, type, fn ) {
  ob.addEventListener(type, fn, false );
else if (document.attachEvent)
addEvent = function(ob, type, fn ) {
  var eProp = type + fn;
  ob['e'+eProp] = fn;
  ob[eProp] = function(){ob['e'+eProp]( window.event );};
  ob.attachEvent( 'on'+type, o[eProp]);
addEvent(ob, type, fn )

You’d then add all your event listeners using code such as:



ajax.addEventListener(“readystatechange”, processResponse, true);

// what about the same for^? exist any other statement for this(ajax callback) expect these two?