Using Apache Deflate: What do I do on the content end?


I just uploaded a small HTML5 site to my server, that uses a bunch of CSS and js. Google webmaster tools is telling me to use Deflate to save 75% bandwidth. I get the concept and have seen a bunch of articles on configuring Apache (my host will do that part), but nothing explains what to do w/the content.

Do I Gzip and upload with something like WinRar or must it be done on the server via command line (yuck)? What else do I have to do or know for the content part? Is there a good tutorial anywhere for the content part?

Thanks guys.

It’s actually pretty straightforward, and only requires a couple of lines added to you .htaccess file.

Provided you (or your host) have mod_deflate enabled on the server, the following lines in your .htaccess file will compress any HTML, PHP, CSS or JS files:

<FilesMatch "\.(js|css|html|php)$">
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE

(You don’t want to compress images, because most image formats are already compressed).

For more information, try searching for “mod_deflate tutorial”, or see

Thanks TechnoBear.

So to be clear:

Once I have the support people configure Apache to run Deflate, all I have to do is add those 3 lines at the bottom of my .htaccess file and the server will know what to do?

Also, that means I can keep uploading updated js or CSS files as normal and not even think about updating anything else and the compression will happen automagically (upon serving content to a browser) for me?


If you’re on shared hosting, you’ll probably find mod_deflate is already enabled; I’ve never had a shared host where it wasn’t.

Once you’ve added the lines to your file, you can check if it’s working by using REDbot (, or the Web Developer Toolbar will show you the information under “Document Size”.

[quote=“syakoban, post:3, topic:202104”]
Also, that means I can keep uploading updated js or CSS files as normal and not even think about updating anything else and the compression will happen automagically (upon serving content to a browser) for me?
[/quote]Yes. Any files with the extensions .css, .html, .js or .php will be compressed when served.

Thanks very much TechnoBear - working great!

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