Using incudes folder breaking navigation

I have made a rod for my own back here as I have put some of my files ( header, footer, navigation, sidebar ) in a includes folder that is specified in php.ini

If I am working in the root folder everything works OK with this navigation file inside the includes folder:


//$address = '';
$address = '';

$address_im =  'imagemagick/';

	"<div id=\\"navcontainer\\">
 <ul id=\\"navlist\\">
 <li id=\\"active\\"><a class=\\"list\\" href=\\"".$address."index.php\\" alt=\\"Back to the main website\\" title=\\"Back to the main website\\">Rubblewebs</a></li>
 <li><a class=\\"list\\" href=\\"".$address."cont.php\\" alt=\\"Contact me\\" title=\\"Contact me\\">Contact</a></li>
 <li><a class=\\"list\\" href=\\"".$address."websites.php\\" alt=\\"Websites by Rubblewebs\\" title=\\"Websites by Rubblewebs\\" >Websites</a></li>
 <li><a class=\\"list\\" href=\\"".$address_im."index.php\\" alt=\\"Imagemagick index page\\" title=\\"Imagemagick index page\\" >Imagemagick index page</a></li>
 <li><a class=\\"list\\" href=\\"".$address_im."operators.php\\" alt=\\"List of operators\\" title=\\"List of operators\\" >Imagemagick operators</a></li>
 <li><a class=\\"list\\" href=\\"".$address_im."snippets/index.php\\" alt=\\"More examples of how to use IM\\" title=\\"More examples of how to use IM\\">Imagemagick snippets</a></li>


I am sure I the $address variables are the problem as if I start from a folder inside root for example /imagemagick and try to go to the the contact page I have something like http :// www but cont.php is not in the imagemagick folder. ( spaces addd to the url to try and stop a link here ).
I also have a problem with my css file and header image - I had to give them the full path including the http: etc.
Can somebody please point me in the correct direction to go to correct this problem.

This is all much easier if you use root-relative urls, as they work the same from anywhere in the site.

<a href="/imagemagic/snipppets/">

As easy as that Ralph - I was looking for something more complicated!
