Visited link

, a newbie, but getting better, the prototype website i am building is, but i noticed that the visited link of the navigation tab on the left turns black in firefox, and also i can see some little white image on links like motoring, vision and sound, outdoor appliances.

Firebug says

reasy.css (riga 174)

#bannercontainer a:link, a:visited {
    background: url("img/pr.jpg") no-repeat scroll 0 0 #EEEEEE;

i took a look with the firebug, i was wondering ow did the navigation link inheerit the styling of the banner container, ow would i correct that please

Did you mean to say:

#bannercontainer a:link,[B]#bannercontainer[/B] a:visited {
    background: url("img/pr.jpg") no-repeat scroll 0 0 #EEEEEE;

Otherwise you are styling every visited link like that :slight_smile: