Visualize Your Code's Quality with PhpMetrics


First, congratulations @swader for this article which is very comprehensive !

Does it use PHP_Depend or does it implement its own code analyzer?

PhpMetrics doesn’t use PhpDepend, and has his own parser. My first idea was to create a new renderer for PhpDepend, but the philosophies of these tools are not the same, and many metrics essential to me are not provided by PhpDepend

If PhpMetrics has an XML report file it should be possible to integrate it with SonarQub

PhMetrics can interact with Sonar (or Jenkins) with the --report-xml and --violations-xml parameters.

There is not a lot of information available on this tool

I hope it will come : my english is really poor, and I need help for documentation and translation from French. Any help is welcome :slight_smile: