Wallpaper CMS

Hello. I want to start a wallpaper site. It will be a community based site and of course users will also submit wallpapers. Which cms can you suggest to manage this kind of sites?

Thanks in advance.

I noticed there are a number of scripts listed under photo galleries that specialize in wallpaper over at hotscripts

You might want to install a forum like vbulletin, and then do some extra customization to show thumbnails of the latest wallpapers and most popular wallpapers. And maybe you could even have links for your users called My Wallpapers.

You can use wallpaperscript v2.02. It is best wallpaperscript:

W-script is a full featured wallpaper site creator script. It takes minutes to setup and start earning money from your new website. If you need a serious script to manage your wallpaper site like a PRO then W-script is the right solution, in front of the average competition with giant steps.

Live Demo:


Download :

there was a script call photokorn now i dont know its still aviiable or not

check it out

If you don’t mind paying some small amount of $ thank you can also use Wallpaper Site Creator from CollectPHP or if you can invest some more money then you can look after “Wallpaper Script” (wallpaperscript.com).

Have a look at that HotScripts category. Lots of them will do you, and you could easily add some AJAX in for smoother viewing.

If you check the descriptions you’ll notice several allow you to set users at different contributor levels, hence they can put new pictures into different folders, pending different levels of moderation.

Anyone has made a good wallpapers site on the blogger platform?

I found one site ( www.wallpapers-hd.net) that have very good wallpapers collection and I as see is under the blogger platform but i’m new and I don’t know much about blogger construction.

Thank you.