Want to go in to Front End development - what programming language to start with?

Hi all,
I am in my early 30s and currently have a great job as a multimedia specialist for a government agency. I am basically a “jack of all trades” and use the entire Adobe Creative Suite to create products. My strength is in Photoshop/CSS3/HTML5 and frameworks like Bootstrap. I have an above basic knowledge of JQuery with an extremely limited knowledge of PHP and Javascript. As someone that wants to get in to more front-end development, what are your thoughts on the order of how I should learn the following languages? How in-depth do I need to get?

PHP, AJAX, JSON, JQuery, Javascript


Since you want to be a front-end developer, you should excel at Javascript (and one or two frameworks, one of them being jQuery, of course), CSS and HTML (and yes, that includes frameworks like Bootstrap… but you can’t stay with just one framework)

Does it look easy? Not at all. Being really good means that your code must be clean, accessible (so you need to know a lot about accessility and testing) and UX (even the majority of the UX comes from design, the coding, the programming and the way it works has a lot to do with it too)

So yep, you should be good at UX too :smiley:

It is not a language but perhaps you might learn using Wordpress. So you would need to learn some PHP. Then try to build your own themes.

You need to have at minimum basic knowledge of one server side language, PHP for exmpl. For client side HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript. Also knowledge of CMS frameworks can be very usefull (Wordpress, Joomla).

html, css and php is enough for developing afont end web site.