Want to keep the checkbox by the word

I’ve got this fiddle:

in the ul, I want the checkbox and word to stay on the same line, no matter what the screen resolution. I’ve tried putting white-space:nowrap on the li’s and also on the labels but nothing seems to work. It seems like it should be so easy but it’s got me stumped.

Appreciate any help.

If you wrap each checkbox and label pair in a div that is set with a display: inline-block, that should work.
Here’s a discussion of this very subject: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10469256/how-to-force-a-checkbox-and-text-on-the-same-line

Edit: Sorry, should have looked at your fiddle more closely.

#selectNoteList ul li {
  display: inline-block;
  padding-right: 7px;

This should work.

That did it, Pullo. Thanks.