Web page looks unaligned in IE9, but looks ok in IE6, IE7, IE8 & Firefox

Web page looks unaligned in IE9, but looks ok in IE6, IE7, IE8 & Firefox.
Any solutions/suggestions?

Well we’d be happy to take a look but you’ll need to provide us with specifics. Either code or examples. Best if you can provide us with specifics of both at the same time. :slight_smile:

All I can say is, its IE, what do you expect? :stuck_out_tongue:
You could either examine the ‘problematic’ CSS where the alignment is defined to see if you can tweak the CSS to ‘work’ in all browsers or try a IE9 only stylesheet. I don’t recommend the latter though.

IE9 supports CSS2.1 more fully than other browsers, so the issue isn’t in IE9 by logic. You don’t have to target IE9, at all. That’s just poor practice. But we do need a link to the webpage in question or examples to be able to help more.