Web Services Different behaviour while using HTTPS instead of HTTP

Hi All,
We have developed Excel Macro which uses Webservices to talk to our application to generate the required data.
There is a GetSessionId function which get the session id by providing the Username and password. This was working fine with HTTP URL. Due to security reason we made our Application URL to HTTPS and started getting the error mesage.

The function return sessionid with http://loadbalancer:443/niku/wsdl/Query/ASP_RISKS_Q")
and ignore while usinh HTTPS i.e https://loadbalancer:443/niku/wsdl/Query/ASP_RISKS_Q")

below if the function
Function GetSessionId(userName As String, password As String)
'Get the sessionId
Dim objSClient As SoapClient30
On Error GoTo loginError
Set objSClient = New SoapClient30
Call objSClient.mssoapinit(par_WSDLFile:=“https://loadbalancer:443/niku/wsdl/Query/ASP_RISKS_Q”)
GetSessionId = objSClient.Login(userName, password)
Exit Function
displayErrorFlag = True

End Function

Thanks in Advance.