Web site play sound button that is visible on mobile devices

I am a freelance voice over talent for TV stations and am recreating my site

For sound only, I am using two types of “play” button

Mp3 to swf converter software (but flash not visible on Iphones)
“Insert sound” as provided by Serif WebX5 (but this can lead to a new page opening depending on how is wma or mp3 is handled by viewers pc)

I have in the past used JW player when I displayed the show video on my site with the sound (me) but have decided to remove the video as it could raise serious copyright issues!

What is the best play button app to play sounds that is visible on mobiles ?

Many thanks for your advice / comments /views


Authoring software serif WEB +x5

prev site created with Dreamweaver

Hi audiotx

I suggest you have a try with the HTML 5 audio element, though no support for IE 7 and 8 desktop (flash backup might be needed?):

<audio controls="controls">
  <source src="houseTrack.ogg" type="audio/ogg" />
  <source src="houseTrack.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" />
  Your browser does not support the audio element.


Thank you very much. I had not noticed this element before. Indeed it is a further point that makes me feel I should return to my previous software to use fully HTML5 and allow CSS editing
If you are able to mention what authoring software you use that would be most welcome.

You’ll just need to change your doctype to:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=“en”>
<meta charset=“utf-8”>

Then start using all the HTML5 elements as needed, <video> also works in the same way - If its just mobile you’re concerned about everything should work.

Regarding authoring software,
I use netbeans on the mac, but dreamweaver code view should do the trick, notepad++ even… many to choose from that are free.


Thank you again very much

No worries,

This might be a good reference - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Using_HTML5_audio_and_video

And after you’ve mastered some HTML 5… start reading up on responsive design.

Good luck!