Webfaction vs ixwebhosting

I am very pleased and satisfied by webfaction hostingThe site loads very quickly, and support reply in answer in 20 minutes max, for ixwebhosting I want to share that is most miserable hosting I’ve ever have. Same site where I had loaded 3-4 times slower than now, support hang me constantly with lies that will be fine, and when the site moved deduct money from me, they had prepaid for 2 years at double prices than usual.
Ixwebhosting are crooks and no one uses their miserable hosting

Hi, thanks for the reviews. Can you please provide the required information?

I’m client both in the 2 hosting, ex-client in ixwebhosting and never back, and very satisfied new client in webfaction. I’m not affiliate.
In ixwebhosting I have host grlove.eu for 3 months in shared plan. 3 terrible months with site down 5 DAYS 1 time and 3 DAYS second time. Terrible awful ixwebhosting service.
In webfaction I have host same site (grlove.eu) now and I have see the TOTAL difference.