-webkit-text-size-adjust:none DON'T USE!

Arg, why was this invented?

Beware of -webkit-text-size-adjust: none!

It prevents users from enlarging text… seeing’s how popular the 9px light grey fonts on white backgrounds is with designers, this can make people leave the site entirely.

Oh and that I need to turn on Javascript just to read the CSS rules for Safari is extremely evil. It’s PLAIN TEXT, PEOPLE.

Truly amazing, I suspect it was supposed to be a fallback for an alternative font of the same size but obviously they screwed up…

I think you might need to x-ray their skulls to see if they contain brain of caterpillars. Who in their right minds uses JavaScript for something like that, oh yeah it is supposed to be that HTML5, that explains why.

Well, I am not to fond of it … BUT it does have it’s uses.

Originally Saf did not zoom on the site by default like other browsers. Instead it would enlarge the fonts only. Yeah this is still forcing the user to go back and change a setting … which is still not good… but I think that was the purpose of it.

The USEFUL part of it if you have non-content div that is based on a font size ( like ems) or something of that sort. I cant think of a practical example at the top of my head but I can see that property being useful for that

Which is the same problem FF had and why I say that in terms of older browsers, IE was the only one to get it right. You want to resize PT or % that’s fine – but if you declare PIXELS you shouldn’t resize pixel fonts unless you resize ALL px based elements.

It’s why I always referred to Gecko as “Netscape 4’s sweetly retarded crack addict cousin” when it comes to resizing content; something it’s still pretty inept at today even with the total resize option… Just another reason I prefer Opera who has handled content resizing better and longer than anyone else.

I seem to be in an overwhelmed minority. When I ‘zoom’, I seldom, if ever, want the images to enlarge, or the layout as a whole to get bigger. I want an increase in text size. Period. Full stop.

I have always thought that Firefox got it right from the git-go, and IE’s failure to enlarge pixel defined font sizes was an error. I do appreciate the option to truly zoom in, but in my browsers, text-only is the default.



I seem to be in an overwhelmed minority. When I ‘zoom’, I seldom, if ever, want the images to enlarge, or the layout as a whole to get bigger. I want an increase in text size. Period. Full stop.

Amen. I was saddened to find I could only zoom in my copy of Saffy5 (unless I just can’t find it). Chrome, I can’t find anything in Chrome, so I assume it’s the same.

I enlarge stuff because I want to read it.