Website sublinks in google search result page


I have a wordpress site and I wanted to show custom sublinks and other data below search result in google.

I tried online solutions and resubmitted sitemap. I even uploaded new footer.php file with following code :

<div typeof="gr:BusinessEntity" about="#company">
    <div property="gr:legalName" content="Creative Core Web Studio"></div>
    <div property="vcard:tel" content="+91-96372-59711"></div>
    <div rel="vcard:adr">
      <div typeof="vcard:Address">
        <div property="vcard:country-name" content="India"></div>
        <div property="vcard:locality" content="Nagpur"></div>
        <div property="vcard:postal-code" content="440022"></div>
        <div property="vcard:street-address" content="Maharashtra"></div>
    <div rel="foaf:logo" resource=""></div>
    <div rel="foaf:page" resource=""></div>

It has been almost a week but no changes are reflecting on my search page.Can anyone tell me how to show sublinks and other custom data on google?:confused:

You can use the Google Webmasters Tools instead of playing around with codes…etc On the Internal Links Area You can add and remove the Links and Category Links that appear in google search…


thanks for your reply deadmix.i will try this.but what if i want to show custom data?


If you are talking about sitelinks, the only control over these that you have is tell Google which ones NOT to show (demote). Google bestows sitelinks on results and they are not controlled by webmasters.
More on that here,

Hope that helps,


Ok.thanks Shawn :slight_smile:

Be aware that Google may ignore your request to demote a sitelink. I have seen this happen multiple times, really there is no guaranteed way to get the page to go away unless you delete the page.