Websockets - why don't we hear about them more?

Searching for node, Mongo, Angular, HTML, CSS, jQuery etc etc yields loads of results.

Searching for Websockets gets you hardly anything.

And I never see people asking questions about it on tech forums. Indeed, searching here gives very little.

So why aren’t they a big deal? I don’t know much about websockets but it seems like it’d be a really useful way of sending data to and from a server or between instances of apps.

Can someone enlighten me? I’d read around but everything on websockets seems to be from around 2010!

You might have better luck looking for “TCP”.

I’ve only used it once for a PHP script to detect anonymous proxies.

But you are right, it does seem they could be a very useful thing.
My guess why there isn’t more is because they are “advanced” programming and, like bitwise etc. aren’t used by many.

I’m thinking @SubEffect; isn’t talking about regular sockets but rather HTML5 websockets, i.e., http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/start-using-html5-websockets-today--net-13270

I’ve been wondering the exact same thing. I personally think that it’s too much in it’s infancy to be used on a large scale that people are afraid they’ll burn their fingers on it.
The few applications I have seen that use it are very nice though!

Could this have anything to do with it?

December 8, 2010

Recent discoveries found that the protocol that Websocket works with is vulnerable to attacks.

I haven’t read much chatter about websockets for years. Is that why?

My guess is that a lot of people still use auto-refresh ajax calls. Is it the best way? No but, it’s working well. Unless you are pulling a lot of data at real time then use WebSockets. If it’s refreshing every 5 min then don’t use it. Perhaps, people are googling Socket.IO then Websockets.