We've Upgraded our Forum!

So far we’ve determined that the categories page may not lead to actual interaction, so we’re attempting using Discourse’s default page, the Latest page. Another item we’re contemplating is the Top page (but that will require a future upgrade).

Time will tell. We’re trying this change for 2 weeks and depending on results, we may leave it, or we may return it to the category landing page.

@WolfShade, here is a userscript to use with TamperMonkey or Greasemonkey

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Sitepoint Categories as Homepage
// @namespace    http://your.homepage/
// @version      0.1
// @description  Change the logo url to go to the categories page
// @author       cpradio
// @match        http://www.sitepoint.com/community/*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

$(".logomark").attr("href", "http://www.sitepoint.com/community/categories")

Much appreciated. I can’t use it. At least not at work. I cannot install TamperMonkey or Greasemonkey, even if I wanted to.



:frowning: Shame that you can’t install extensions on your browser :frowning:

Most USG departments lock down most of the user ability to change things, including the downloading and installation of plugins. Security issue. (shrug) It is what it is. :smile:



It’s been almost a month. Am I to assume that “Latest” will continue to be the default?



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