Whack-a-mole issue and HTACCESS file blocking

I’m trying to cut down on spammers who keep making trashy requests to my site using different IPs per-each request. The basic access log entry pattern that I’m seeing from these is as follows:

<IP ADDRESS> - - [<DATE / TIMESTAMP>] "GET /?q=node/add HTTP/1.1" 403 5507 "<WEBSITE>" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.95 Safari/537.36"

Nine times out of ten, these requests consistently use the above flavor of Webkit / Safari user agent and they always use a different IP address, thereby making it a whack-a-mole situation that can’t be fixed by an entire subnet block or something like that. I’m assuming it’s some sort of botnet trying to spread malware or spam?

What I tried to do is the following:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !cookievar
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} \.(gif|jpe?g|png|js|css|swf|php|ico|txt|pdf|xml)$ [NC]
RewriteRule .* - [L,co=cookievar:true:%{HTTP:Host}:86400]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !cookievar
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} (user\/register|node\/add)
RewriteRule .* - [F]

I’m not very great with HTACCESS code (as you may or may not tell from the above) but my intentions here were to force any browser coming to the site to store a cookie value if they can access my assets, then I would use that cookie to validate if the visitor is an actual user. If they pass that, I let them through and onto the website. Otherwise, I stop them before they can use any server resources. It’s my understanding that blocking a user at the HTACCESS level is akin to stopping them at the app server level (and not the app itself).

Unfortunately, my logs indicate that it’s not working like I was hoping it would and I’m hoping that someone on here might know why? What I’d love to do is block all requests that can’t store my cookie (who make GET requests to user/register or node/add) at the HTACCESS level, this way their constant visits don’t sap up any server resources.

Insights would be appreciated.


The log entry you’ve shown says that the hacker is attacking your DirectoryIndex file with a query string beginning with q=node … so the easiest way to stop that nonsense is to use mod_rewrite code like:

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^q=node RewriteRule .? - [F]
… which checks the start of the query string and, if it matches “q=node”, then the request if FAILed. That will likely return a 403 status code which translates to: " Forbidden - The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it…"

That will likely show up in your server log but showing that the server rejected the request.

If you’re an advanced programmer, you may want to redirect to a handler script to read the {REMOTE_ADDR} and add that to a block list (<Files - DENY …>) within your .htaccess code to ensure that IP address will be unable to access your server (via Apache) in the future.



dklynn, sorry for the late response but after reading your feedback, I think I’ll begin trying to head down that path. Thanks a bunch for the insight. It sounds like the best solution for this issue.

No worries, Wolf. There’s always more than one way to skin a cat and it helps when you can consider (tried and true) options which others have used to resolve your issues.



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