What architecture/framework wold you advise?

About to embark upon creating a web application for health care client management system. I am c# desktop around but open to learning new stuff, currently replacing on durandal, javascript app.

What architecture\framework would you advise and why? Also nosql or sol and why?

Cheers for any input.

I can advise going with ASP.NET MVC with Razor forms. I have been using it for a lot of projects and it is really pretty good. It also forces nice code separation to neaten things up a bit

As for databases, I am sticking with SQL for now. I am not a firm believer in NoSql yet. SQL has been around for years and has proved itself.

Cheers for the input, this is in fact my preferred approach due to background and immaturity of the NoSQL base, in my opinion. I see companies chucking relational data in non relational structures with little or no thought for how they are going to run reports over this without ripping the data over to a SQL data warehouse and running Reportring Services or some such, seems very short sighted.

If you’re dealing with healthcare, then I would strongly recommend that you go with a tried and tested relational database. That’s not to say that noSQL databases are unreliable, but the relational model has held well over the years and matches a lot of the kind of data you’ll probably want to be handling.

Agreed Ultimate, the vast amount of data is very strongly related so fits the relational DBMS much better I think, might cost a few dollars/pounds more for licence but I think if product takes off and I need to employ DBA/developers, the number of people with knowledge will save in longer term?