What are some suggestions to improve cPanel based site link stats?

What are some suggestions to improve cPanel based site link stats?

For example, I recently sent a link to a non-linked page (no inbound links) on my site to a former colleague. An orphan page if you will. But I couldn’t tell which links were from humans and which were from bots.

I did a TRACEROUTE. The best this showed was a few inbound IPs (to my ISP) originated outside the country. Another segment of links simply fell short of the target IP (I can’t know for sure. Possibly because they were from real people who were not online, as in laptops). WHOIS was mostly useless.

Some stats showed the requesting browser, but these were not tied in the stat output to the IP, which would have assisted in sorting the traceroutes.

And I couldn’t filter the stats just to the target page and the date range from when I sent the URL and to the day I analyzed the traffic.

ALSO, researching the topic I was reading about tokenization in the URL (after the #). Does anyone know of a script which can produce stats from tokens like this? Where I could add a token that no bot could possibly ever use? There’s an interesting proposal (cited on Wikipedia) for adding a MD5 hash in this position to validate the page to the link. It would have the double benefit of identifying pages which have changed from the link’s url,