What are the best make money blogs/books?

Looking for some new blogs or books to read on how to make money/business success

What stuff have you been reading?

The best books I have read on building a smart & profitable web business are:

Getting Real & Rework by 37 signals
The Lean Startup

If you’re not looking to start your own business you just need to practice hard and work alongside other talented people.

Thanks Mark!

Definitely looking to start my own business.

you may try a book of William J.O’Neil How to make money

Robert Kiyosaki - Rich Dad Poor Dad :slight_smile:

Thanks - looks like he is mainly about investing in stocks? (I’m more into business personally)

I read it when I was a teen - definitely good for inspiration, but wasn’t very practical. Especially since he made all his money selling books and seminars haha.

A few more interesting finds:

Forhourworkweek blog - great resource to keep learning about the unusual stuff Tim Ferris does, and how to make sure you are factoring lifestyle into business.

fourhourworkweek.com/blog/ (also read the book! thought it was great)

Foreverjobless - Seems pretty new, but definitely looks like a young and very successful entrepreneur with new ideas.

I agree with you that the book is good for inspiration and may be not so practical, but I think he deserves his money. :slight_smile:

There’s tons on Warrior Forums, just look out for the ones with the best reviews cause there is a lot of crud on there!

“Blogging All-in-one For Dummies” is a good research on making online money.

All of Robert Kiyosaki’s books to get you in the right state of mind!

most of the information can be found online. The key to making money online blogging is by having a niche and writing good content/ build a follower base.

Please read the question carefully. Tranker is asking for recommendations of good books or blogs to read for advice on making money/building a successful business online. He’s not asking how to make money with a blog, nor is he asking whether you prefer books to blogs.

Check out steve pavlina website, he shares ways of making money and also e-books about business and making money online. I like his site, it’s awesome.

I like Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income blog.

I strongly recommend reading The science of making money written by Stone Evan the home biz guy

Hi Tranker,
At first please tell me that in which field you want to make money or want to get business success.

You should read dell karnegi’s book. i think it will be better for making money.

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