What are the little things that make a website/app UI enjoyable and pleasant to use?

The things we don’t typically pay attention to. They are subtle, but have a large impact on how we perceive the ‘pleasantness’ and ‘enjoyability’ of the overall app/website experience. What are these things? What makes the UX for an app/website enjoyable and pleasant?

One of the biggest and easiest things to do on the web (if you’re using jQuery) is to do simple transitions when moving to .

The base .fadeIn() and .fadeOut() are by far my favorite. They are subtle and elegant.

$('.someclass').click(function() {
   $(this).fadeOut('fast', function(){

Super simple instead of using a hard .hide() and .show().

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Do you have an example of what this looks like in action? What are some of your favorite websites using nice transitions?

Well, lots of sites use them. Just bringing up this reply box is a slide transition. It doesn’t need to be, it doesn’t add any benefit programmatically, they could have just used a show/hide and been done with it. But it looks nice, so the developers of Discourse put it there.

Fade is my favorite for when hiding and showing things, just because it’s super simple to use and not using it in favor of show/hide is just lazy.

Even decreasing it quite a bit still adds a nice effect:

As opposed to the show/hide:

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Just getting a site with a reasonable font size and line spacing is likely to make me stick around more than anything these days.


Such little things are colours, font, combination of the context topic and images. One more thing, which has a senseful meaning, it’s the structure of a text presentation. There is one more User Experience explanation with some nuances enumerated:

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