What are you Grateful for Today?

It’s well recognized that feelings of gratitude play a fundamental role in promoting happiness. It’s also impossible to feel stressed or worried when you are thinking about something you are grateful for. So make an effort to think about what you are grateful for and post it here. You’ll feel better for it.

Sometimes the things we are most grateful for are very personal. If that’s the case feel free to be vague about it, posting will still make you feel better.

I’ll start!

That I can see and hear, and that my hands work.

For everything!! My life , my experiences and that with god’s grace i am gifted with the basic needs of life…

I am grateful that you, @shantylata596;, took the time to post such an encouraging message.
Thank you.

I’m grateful that I’m such a perfect person… Naaah! Just kidding :lol:

I’m grateful for many, many things… to many to metion them here because the post would be too long… Of course, I also want more :stuck_out_tongue:

My failures. I’m glad I have them because I know what is wrong or right. I can see where I failed and improve that area. Failures help a person grow. Learn from your failures but try not to repeat them again, otherwise there’s no development.

To have a job!!

I am grateful that I earn well through the internet.

I am grateful for life, for having a wonderful family and for the joy it brings. I am just glad to be here and be part of this community as well.

I am very grateful to my current job,it let me learn a lot of knowledge!

I am grateful that i am a blessed child of god :slight_smile:

i’m grateful for all the failures i had coz i got experience!

I’m grateful for waking up. :slight_smile: This is such an encouraging post! Thanks!

grateful to have nice sisters to encourage and describe me how to react in all situations.

I’m grateful for overcoming myself and making some eye-relaxing exercises after hours of work.
I was planning of doing so for several months already but couldn’t make it a habit…
I now feel upgraded and ready for another couple of hours of work.

my family and friends

I am Grateful for giving me such a nice life and making me such a nice guy…!! :stymiee:

Climate here very nice.

I am grateful that a problem we had in our family for some time got resolved all of a sudden. I am grateful that the me and the people around me are healthy.

I am grateful to my friend who is with me in all circumstances.