What causes to event

Hi, i am just wondering. ,why is that onclick will not trigger or fire out in my table,example when my data loaded to the table, when i click a table row it will not trigger yet the onclick but when i double click on it.Now the event will function properly.

please enlighten my mind.

   <tr class="b" onclick="myFunction('03');">

   <tr   class="b" onclick="myFunction('05');">

   <tr   class="b" onclick="myFunction('06');">

request data via ajax.

   success: function(dtl){
     //load table data here.


here is my code in click

     alert('I am click');

Which of those onclicks do you expect to work - the ones in the script or the ones in the HTML - whichever is set last is overwriting the other one - one reason why you shouldn’t jumble JavaScript with HTML.

Hi felgal,

This one

     alert('I am click');