What hash type

Hi All

I have a exe tool that generates a pass code, I would like to find out how the output code is generated, IE what hashing system is used.

The tool requires the serial number of the box that is being reset followed by the date

thus: serialnumberYYYYMMDD

Below is three examples of the output I get for yesterday, today and tomorrow

input: 1620150108AAWR496440195WCVU20150505
output: Seydz9QdQR

input: 1620150108AAWR496440195WCVU20150506
output: qQyQe9eeye

input: 1620150108AAWR496440195WCVU20150507
output: q9ReSdQrqd

The output code is used to reset the device,

My Question is: Can anyone tell me the calculation or hash that is used to create the output code

Many Thanks

How do you think can anyone know that? You have to use debugger like OllyDbg and make a research in assembler source of your EXE to discover generation algorithm. It’s not that easy and requires skills in reverse engineering.

Maybe SHA (if serial number length equals to 28 characters), but maybe not. It’s impossible to say without debugging and looking into the source. And the main question is not “how it has been hashed” but “what has been hashed”.

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