What is the best way to add a download section in my site

I am working on my database driven site using asp.net and sql server 2012.
The site has a news section.and I want to have a download section which work just like the news section.
For the news section,I created a table with two columns(newstitle and newsmain),and the admin of the site(which has no knowledge of database programming) can insert news to database using a panel and the news will be shown on the site(I used a dataadapter for getting the news from the database and a repeater to show the data visually on the news page)

So I think I made myself clear on what I’m trying to do:
I want a download section,where admin of the site(which has no knowledge of web programming) can upload files to the server(database or no database.I don’t know which one is better),and then,that file be shown on the site,and regular users be able to download it

I am wondering what is the best way to do something like what I want to do
Thanks in advance
best regards