What is the key to writing high quality content for a website consistently?

what is the key to writing high quality content for a website consistently?
How to make real attractive and unique articles consistently.

I’m not even remotely an expert in this area and I hope this is somewhat what you are asking…

What I like to do is look for trending related topics(or whatever topic I am after), find all the articles related to that and find something missing or something all the articles didn’t explain well.

If no other articles exist I research the net and compile something useful for users. Something that saves them time or teaches them something new.

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Me too, but here goes.
Write about something that will interest people, whatever your subject or target audience.
Make your content unique. It isn’t just about not plagiarising or copy & pasting someone else’s work, but don’t write info that someone could easily find in a million other places, because the chances are you won’t stand out. It is OK to have short snippets of copy & paste in the form of quotes to enhance the content. But if you do, be sure cite your source and make it clear to readers and bots by using appropriate tags and styling.
Do it written well with attenshion at smelling and grammr.
Present it well. A huge block of text is not very appealing. If it has any length, break it up into shorter titled sections (use the new sectioning tags) and throw in some pictures (with descriptive alt attributes). It will appear to be much easier to digest.
These things should help with both UX and SEO.

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thanks for the info guys, i appreciate the help.

Hi! The comments above tell you how to write attractive and unique content.
But if you have to do it consistently, you must be crazy or else, hire a professional writer.
My 2 cents.

I’m going to agree with the poster above and say that unless you are truly a great writer then you need to hire someone to support you in that writing.

The problem is that it’s almost impossible to keep churning out great content that will get people interested and then keep them interested.

With so many other tasks to do, consistently writing well and regularly is very tough.

If you search there are plenty of sites out there, such as fiverr or site content Ninja that can deliver you decent writers for a reasonable cost.

With costs so low, it makes sense to spread the weight rather than taking it all on yourself.

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Writing high quality content and writing it consistently are two different things – as already pointed.
I’d say read. The more you read, more ideas and inspiration you get. That’s how you keep yourself motivated to write high quality content with super consistency.
Get inspired from someone. Follow someone in your niche so that you keep getting new ideas as well as driving force.

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Make a research before you start to write and it will help to find objective information. Also, don’t overlook the small details, because “the devil is in the detail”. And always track your progress - it’s a key of productivity

Well, you need to focus on a number of things while writing high quality content for a site. Before you start writing, you must

  1. Identify your audience and what they want
  2. Do your research
    The writing process involves:
  3. creating credibility
  4. make your writing actionable
  5. always use a conversational style
    Hope it will help you.
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Choose a niche you have good knowledge of and an intense passion for.

If herding cats is your thing and you do it for a living, you will have no shortage of stuff to write about for that niche. In fact it would be hard for you not to write about something, if you have a strong passion for it.

For topics you have a lesser passion for, it might help to get one of those page-a-day calendars related to the niche. It will give you a year’s worth of blog post ideas to keep you busy. And you don’t even need one for the current month/year, so waiting till they go on clearance in February will allow you to pick up a bunch of them, really cheap.

Just remember not to copy from the calendars, verbatim. Just use it as a springboard for your own article ideas. I have spread this idea around enough that it’s very likely that there will be many others working from the same calendars as you, and some of them may be fool enough to copy the text directly from the calendar and call it a day. Don’t be one of those fools or you will very likely be hit with both a duplicate content penalty in search engines, along with a copyright infringement lawsuit from the calendar’s publisher.

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I’ll address the two aspects separately as people on this thread have correctly pointed out that they are very different things.

High quality, attractive articles
I suggest that you research some of the best blogs in your niche and see what is being written about relevant, trending and interesting topics. THEN, find a way to improve on a topic that you have read, perhaps you can write your own version of the topic with an updated and authoritative angle that the existing article did not address. Backlinko has a great article to help you refine your copyrighting style with SEO in mind. Write a series of good quality articles, that interlink with each other relevantly.

It can help to have someone draft your articles for you. Start off with an outline of the topics you want to write about, ensure they have relevance to link and refer to each other. You can outsource to have them written by someone on Fiverr or Upwork and then your main role can be to review and improve them to make them great quality. Put together a schedule that allows for regular posting that prompts you for the various stages - eg outsource draft, review article, publish article.

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