What is wrong with me?

I really don’t know why I struggle with this. I think I understand XML. I get some stuff to work and then try something similar and have to bang my head against the desk.

Please help.

	$output = $output.'<p><a target="_blank" href="'.$xml_link.'">XML link</a></p>';
	$xml = simplexml_load_file($xml_link);
	foreach ($xml as $geoname) {
	$lat = $geoname->lat;
	$lng = $geoname->lng;
	$population = $geoname->population;
	$latlon = $lat.','.$lng;	
	$output = $output.'<p>Population '.$population.'</p><p> Latitude /Longitude '.$latlon.'</p>';	

XML I am parsing is:

 <toponymName>San Javier</toponymName>
<name>San Javier</name>
<fclName>country, state, region,...</fclName>
<fcodeName>third-order administrative division</fcodeName>
<adminName3>San Javier</adminName3>
<alternateName lang="link">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Javier%2C_Murcia</alternateName><timezone dstOffset="2.0" gmtOffset="1.0">Europe/Madrid</timezone>

You do not need the foreach loop if there is only one item