What is wrong with these two functions?

On the admin page of a company’s website, the user is unable to edit the subscribers info (namely the subscription date). The form used to update the information on the website calls index.php, which will execute the following code block:

case 'subscriber-update':

    // check if form validates
    $_FORMSUBSCRIBER = new formSubscriber();
    if ($_FORMSUBSCRIBER->submitted() && $_FORMSUBSCRIBER->validate($_POST)) {
        // update database
        $_SUBSCRIBER = new subscriber();
        header("Location: /az/admin/subscriber-list/".$_POST['companyid']);

    $content = array('subscriber_update.php');

I then found the code for the update() and prepareData() functions.


public function update($data, $exceptions = array())


    if ($this->hasRequiredPermissions()) {

        if ($this->hasValidKeyData($data)) {

            $this->db->dbUpdate($this->dbtable, $data, $exceptions, "WHERE $this->dbtableKey = '" . $data[$this->dbtableKey] . "'");


        else {

            $data[$this->dbtableKey] = $this->db->dbAdd($this->dbtable, $data, $exceptions);


        return $data[$this->dbtableKey];


    else {




And prepareData():

public function prepareData($data, $ignore = array("submit", "image"))
    $tmp = array();
    foreach ($data as $key => $value) {

        // get definition for this data element
        if (array_key_exists($key, $this->definition)) {

            $def = $this->definition[$key];

            // handle special types
            if (array_key_exists("type", $def)) {

                // ignore these
                if (in_array($def["type"], $ignore)) {

                // different strokes for different blokes
                switch ($def["type"]) {

                    // datetime
                    case "datetime" :
                        // if hour == 12 make hour 0 to give standard time
                        if ($data[$key][3] == 12) {
                            $data[$key][3] = 0;
                        // add time period (pm = +12)
                        $data[$key][3] += $data[$key][5];
                        // format date and return
                        $data[$key] = $data[$key][2] . "-" . $data[$key][1] . "-" . $data[$key][0] . " " . $data[$key][3] + ":" . $data[$key][4] . ":00";

                    // datetime
                    case "date" :
                        // format date and return
                        $data[$key] = $data[$key][2] . "-" . $data[$key][1] . "-" . $data[$key][0];

                    // time
                    case "time" :
                        // if hour == 12 make hour 0 to give standard time
                        if ($data[$key][0] == 12) {
                            $data[$key][0] = 0;
                        // add time period (pm = +12)
                        $data[$key][0] += $data[$key][2];
                        // format date and return
                        $data[$key] = str_pad($data[$key][0], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . ":" . $data[$key][1] . ":00";


            $tmp[$key] = $data[$key];
        else {
            $tmp[$key] = $data[$key];
    return $tmp;

Can anyone see a problem with these two functions?

Not easy just scanning it, can you get a hold of the error_log and maybe we can get a line number to work with?