What RSS reader do you use and how do you organize it?

I currently use Google Reader and organize by categories and just skim the headlines quick and star any which sound interesting so I can check them out later but I’m always willing to try out new software and organization methods.

I use RSS Owl and Google Reader which both allow me to organize things by category and avoid re-reading material which I’ve already glanced at, nothing complex. :slight_smile:

Yay a reply! How do you organize it?

Hey buddy. I use Mozilla browser so I use Sage as my RSS manager and read RSS feeds in Mozilla browser.

I use NetNewsWire since it’s available on both desktop and iPhone, and it syncs with Google Reader which makes it available pretty much everywhere. The Google Reader sync also means I can use convenient extensions in Chrome to add feeds—currently using Sharaholic as all-in-one for URL shortener, Delicious, Google Reader etc.

(I don’t like the interface of Google Reader, so that’s why I’m using native apps.)

Haven’t put much thought into the actual organization to be honest, at least not as much as my GTD system. The folders are my subjects of interest, such as “Business”, “Design”, “Writing”, and “People” for specific personal blogs.

I probably have too many feeds since I have 300+ unread posts at the moment and not much time to read…

EDIT: Almost forgot, I use Instapaper to save posts for reading later. It’s nicely integrated with NetNewsWire.