What size are typical thumbnail images and

What size are typical thumbnail images and and an accompanying larger images?

What size is a typical “see larger image” picture? 2" by 2"?

How many kb is a thumbnail typically?
And how many kb is a typical 2" by 2" image?


Thumbnails seem to vary from 75x75, 100x100, 125x125, 150x150 and 200x200 - the last two are more likely to be in a catalogue. In kb, 2kb - 4kb

The larger version viewed can vary between 400x400 to about 600x600, unless it’s an arty site or image gallery and then the image can be even bigger.

Thumbnails seem to vary from 75x75, 100x100, 125x125, 150x150 to 200x200 - the last two are more likely to be in a catalogue. In kb, 2kb - 4kb

The larger version viewed can vary between 400x400 to about 600x600, unless it’s an arty site or image gallery and then the image can be even bigger.

The size of the thumbnails you would use depends on the type of site you have. As long as the thumbnail is clear enough so people know what it is an image of then it serves its purpose. It need not necessarily be a reduced version of the larger image, sometimes showing a cropped section of the larger image can work better. Most of the thumbnail images I have ever created have been around 1k in file size.

Thanks for your replies, I appreciate it.

One reply stated:

“The larger version viewed can vary between 400x400 to about 600x600”

Can you tell me approximately file size the 400x400 or 600x600 would represent? Would it be 2MB - 3MB typically?

In my latest project, I had thumbnails sized to 132*100. I wanted the width to be greater than the height and it perfectly fitted the design. In other words, there is no one single right size. It all depends on your requirement obviously.

No Way!!!
You could always try resizing an image and looking at the file size, but most of my larger view images (400 - 500 px wide) are about 50 - 70kb.

You should look at about 80k as being the upper size limit for images that are being displayed on the screen and most should be in the 10k - 50k size range.

Bigger than 80k is only needed if you are looking at making the image suitable for printing.