What software can I use to write and view both html/css?

Greetings fellow programmers. I am fairly new to HTML and CSS and would like your assistance. I have tried searching for the answers myself but I may not be looking in the right place to find the answers. Hence, my reason for signing up for this forum.

I am currently using Textwrangler and I understand I need to make a index.html and a stylesheet.css file and combine them into one folder for my browser to read both html and css w/ the code: <link type=“text/css” rel=“stylesheet” href=“stylesheet.css” to link them together.

My question is there a software, ex. notepad++, that would let me enter html and css on the same page and let me view both languages on a browser vs writing html on one screen and css on another?

Thank you in advance for your replies.

You can already do that in any editor.
you just write you css on the same page put it in
just put the css within the
<style></style> tags in the body of the html or php page.
But it is not really good form. Getting used to linking it would be better.
and of course you could always also write in the tag itself.
<span style=“color:#ff0000”></span>but that is the same as hard coding it in and not advised.

Hi simplejunior, welcome to the forums,

As said, you can have CSS (and JavaScript) in the same HTML file eg. (much abbreviated and not correct markup, just to give you the idea)

// css styles here
all the page tags here
// js here right before closing body tag

I often do this in he initial work-up of a page exactly for the reason of keeping everything easier to work with.
Then when I’m happy with it I move the CSS and as much of the JavaScript as I can into their own files.


Much obliged for the responses because it helped me figure out the answer to my question.

There’s a new, free code editor by Adobe called Brackets. One of its calling cards is that you can work on an HTML page and click to view the CSS that applies to that element right in the same place, which is really nice.

try html pad ( http://www.htmlpad.net/) or Rapid CSS editor (http://www.rapidcsseditor.com/ ) they both do what you require