What this onClick() do?

Hi guys,

I have codes below,

    <div id="uploadBox" class="well" onClick="$('#photoimg').click();">
        <button class="btn btn-mini btn-primary" type="button">Upload File</button>
    <input type="file" class="hide" name="photoimg" id="photoimg" onchange="$(this.form).submit();"/>

Just wondering what these codes mean,


Okay let me guess, when I click the button, it will invoke the <input type=“file” …> and auto submit the form with the codes,


Am I right or am I wrong?

Thanks in advanced.

Hi there,

You are right.


is shorthand for:


which will execute all handlers and behaviours attached to the matched element.

I’m not sure why you would want to do this, though.
First off, in-line event handlers are usually a bad thing, as they impact negatively on the readability and maintenance of your mark-up.
Secondly, wouldn’t it be less confusing to have a “Select File” button and a “Submit” button?

Hope that helps.

Actually it’s just a tutorial from here,

I’m just trying to understand.

Ah, ok. With a bit more context it makes more sense.
I still stand by what I said about in-line event handlers, though.