What to consider for uploading/testing

Greetings! Ok for how many months of learning about PDO and OOP in php, my project now I think is ready for uploading.
My question is what’s next should I consider?
I’m using SQL 2008 R2. Running locally in XAMPP.
any advice. thank you.

What are you looking to accomplish?

I’m using SQL 2008 R2. Running locally in XAMPP.

Keep in mind, most web hosts provide a LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). It’s uncommon for MS SQL to be paired off with PHP and apache. Typically, .NET, IIS and MS SQL are found together.

I see. Perhaps I’m looking a smooth testing and other optimization.
I often heard about SSL certificates and .htdocs configuration.

Your question is a bit ambiguous and open ended … but here goes:

If its your first application using OOP and PDO then upload it and then try and break into it – do all the things you are not expecting a user to do.

At every place you use GET, POST or COOKIE data force in data that should not be allowed, read up on FIEO.

Review your code again, and check how well you are actually filtering input - then try and attack it again.

For your next project read up on TDD methods for OOP development.

I’ll check TDD. Perhaps I overthink it. So I’ll make sure the functionality of my project will work if it is uploaded already.
I’m expecting some bugs/errors. Maybe I just want to hear somebody me what to do next after . Thank you for the responses.