What wireframeming / mockup tool to use when you begin?

Dear everyone,

I use powerpoint for basic prototyping task but it looks weird and not real for the client and for myself.

Which tool would you advise for beginner webdesigner to do things right and learn good logic?

I looked at the axure but it’s little pricy for me just right now.

Thank you for your advice!

Use good 'ol HTML and CSS!

  • it’s fairly straightforward to knock up a simple page layout
  • you don’t have to do any fancy styling, just greyscale and maybe a few placeholder images
  • it’s very fasts and easy to tweak
  • you can view in any web browser
  • if you run the files from a CD or USB you don’t even need an internet connection
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no, it’s too time consuming if you work with a the client who make up his mind 5 times a day

I’m playing with Pencil now.

Fair do’s!

With one of my regular clients we have skype sessions where I tweak HTML wireframes on the fly testing out different colours, fonts etc. The client loves it, and I love it because they pay me by the hour :wink:

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