What's this line mean?

… began his work with computers on a black Bell and Howell
Apple II by printing out and poring over the BASIC code for Little Brick Out in
order to increase the paddle width. Later, he manipulated timing loops in
assembly to give Pac-Man a larger time slice than the ghosts.

i am not an native english speaker,so i don’t know what’s the meaning of the " paddle width" on the above. and another line" he manipulated timing loops in
assembly to give Pac-Man a larger time slice than the ghosts." i want to know the above sentences meaning. so expect someone can explain it for me. thank you.,

A paddle is a type of old game controller. This was before joysticks.

A loop is just a portion of sequential code that repeats, usually altered through each iteration by a single variable.


The particular loop in question had to do with timings on how the game characters operated.

Assembly is the programming language used.


Pac-man is the name of game (as well as the character in the game), and the ghosts were enemies.


got it. many many thanks. you explaintion like a breeze.make me only see once can understand it.