What's wrong with window.onload?

You can take the JavaScript Live course at any time - the only part you miss out on is the interactivity on the once a week live videos. It wasn’t too bad apart from trying to cram too much in to too little time - taking several days to do some of the daily lessons will work far better than trying to cram it all in too quickly.

oh…I got the impression it was live 4 days a week. The live interaction is what I think I would really like. These forums are great, but obviously nothing beats having live give-and-take when I have questions! I’ll probably give it a try, though. I have a book by Dori Smith & Tom Negrino, if you’re familiar with them, but I don’t think it’s the right book for me. Yesterday I found a site showing what they claimed were the “top 10” books for beginners – so, I previewed the 1st one as much as I could on amazon and looked good, so now finishing up the lynda.com course (also by Dori Smith) and then on to the new book. Depending on how I like the book, I may do the class instead.

The third edition of their book on JavaScript was one of the first books on JavaScript that I got. I have since reviewed the fifth edition which was better. Many of the other JavaScript books I have seen are a lot better than theirs.

One of my favourite JavaScript books for beginners is “Head First JavaScript” by Micheal Morrison which is also the only book I have bothered to look at as a PDF rather than as a printed book.

I have quite a lot of JavaScript book reviews at http://javascript.about.com/od/javascriptbooks/JavaScript_Books.htm

Thanks Stephen,

I was able to peruse that one a little on amazon, and from what I could ascertain, it kindof looked like he was trying to be a little too “entertaining”, I guess… Anyway, the one I wound up with is called Javascript Step by Step, by Steve Soehring (sp?). We’ll see how it goes! ( I guess, if this doesn’t work, I can probably always make a living on ebay! :slight_smile:

For those with prior programming experience “JavaScript for Web Developers” by Nicholas Zakas covers a lot of useful material without wasting time teaching you what you would already know.

“Pragmatic Guide to JavaScript” by Christophe Porteneuve looks at first glance as if it might also be really useful for those with some programming knowledge but it just arrived late yesterday so I haven’t had time to review it yet.

Thanks Stephen,

I’m not sure how much my prior programming (mainly cobol, and cognos powerhouse) really helps with javascript, and these technologies. What I’m really trying to get to is Sharepoint – and I have a LOOONNG way to go, to get there! I figure, after I master Javascript – which, at the rate I’m going, will probably be about 5 years – then, it’s on to vbnet, c#, asp.net, visual studio, sql_server – THEN I’ll be ready to tackle sharepoint! ( I’m kinda thinking that e-bay thing’s lookin better all the time! :slight_smile:

well, I almost didn’t get your reply…I thought that I could do a window.unload the way you had it coded, and couldn’t see why the “lynda.com” way was better.