When Join - limit problem


for example ;

i want to select 5 products per page with extra joins depending on client’s choise.

if just from 1 table its Ok.

product 1
product 2
product 3
product 4
product 5

However if i want to take extra information from another table with join.
I got this. 5 records ,but 3 Products.

Product 1 - category 1
Product 1 - category 2
Product 1 - category 3
Product 2 - category 1
Product 3 - category 1

I should get

Product 1 - category 1
Product 1 - category 2
Product 1 - category 3
Product 2 - category 1
Product 3 - category 1
Product 4 - category 1
Product 4 - category 2
Product 5 - category 1
Product 5 - category 3

How could i get this in just 1 query?

I want to learn the logic.

In real world:)

[0] => Array
            [id] => 44

=> 375641
[pic] => imag0298
[category] => Category 1

[1] => Array
        [id] => 44
 => 375641
            [pic] => imag0298
            [category] => Category 2
    [2] => Array
            [id] => 44

=> 375641
[pic] => imag0298
[category] => Category 3
[3] => Array
[id] => 45

 => 375642
            [pic] => imag0299
            [category] => Category 1
[4] => Array
            [id] => 46

=> 375643
[pic] => imag0300
[category] => Category 1

What i need is


[0] => Array
            [id] => 44

=> 375641
[pic] => imag0298
[categories] => Array
[0] = > Category 1
[1] = > Category 2
[2] = > Category 3
[1] => Array
[id] => 45

[categories] => Array

[2] => Array
[id] => 46

[categories] => Array

[3] => Array
[id] => 47

[categories] => Array

[4] => Array
[id] => 48

[categories] => Array


Also ,  is there a way that i can get result as multidimensial array from MYSQL?

I hope i could explain the problem.

Thank you

to pull 5 products, you could approach it in two ways

first, run a simple query, along with the desired LIMIT values to implement paging, and then, having retrieved the 5 products, issue another query to pull in the related data, using an IN list of product ids

alternatively, you could put the LIMIT into a subquery, and use that to join to the other tables (LIMIT in a subquery didn’t always used to work, but i believe in version 5 there’s no problem)

as for your other question, mysql doesn’t return any kind of array, never mind a multidimensional array – instead, mysql ~always~ returns a tabular result set, consisting of rows and columns

Thank you for your reply.

but i couldn’t understand ; if i have to use limit for subquery or main query.

select(products.name, products.slug …) -> from -> products ->
( select(cat.name, cat.id ) -> from(categories as cat)-> where cat.productId IN products.id ) as catColumn

Is that logic true?

If it’s true , query like above gave me error " Subquery returns more than 1 row ".
As what i was exactly want to have, but how to get rid off error?

I used both where and where in ?
I read MySQL :: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: Row Subqueries , couldn’t fix it.

And also, i use code igniter framework.

i search a lot and :

$sub= $this->db->select('cats.category_id , cats.category_name')->from('categories cats')->where_in('cats.product_id', 'product.id')->_compile_select(); //attention to 'product_id' here 

$category_condition = $module_info[0]['category_show'] != 0 ?  ',(  '.$sub.'  ) as catColumn' :"";
$limit = 5;
$offset = 0;

//and then my main query

$map_condition = " ...select map columns... or not";

$this->db->select('pDetail.name as productName , product.id,product.code, product.picture '.$category_condition .$map_condition ,false);
$this->db->from('products product');
$this->db->join('product_details pDetail','pDetail.product_id = product.id && pDetail.lang_id = 1', 'left');
$this->db->limit($limit , $offset);
// There are other conditions to join another tables

for each products , If there are more than one category in categories table , it gave an “Subquery returns more than 1 row” error.

If i fixed it, another thing will be a problem is : Above i couldn’t use ‘product.id’ in where clause from main to subquery. For testing i am giving manual numbers.

Thank you

i have no idea, because i don’t recognize that language (and it isn’t SQL)

why don’t you show me your actual SQL query that returns both products and categories

It was just an example. Sorry for not to explain:)

This is my real query.

Subquery returns more than 1 row

SELECT ilanlar.id, ilanlar.emlak_kod, ilanlar.tipID, ilan_resimleri.file_slug as resim, ilan_resimleri.ext, ilan_detaylari.baslik, ilan_detaylari.alias, ilanlar.map_durum, emlak_maps.lat, emlak_maps.lng, emlak_maps.map_address, emlak_maps.icon, emlak_maps.map_zoom, ( SELECT atanmis_cat.kategori_id FROM (emlak_ilan_secili_kategoriler atanmis_cat) WHERE atanmis_cat.ilan_id IN (44) ) as kats, bolgeler.isim as bolge, ilanlar.bolge_id, ilanlar.m2, para_birimleri.isim as para_birimi, ilanlar.fiyat, ilanlar.fiyatGizle, islem_tipleri_detay.isim as tipi, ilanlar.islemID, emlak_turleri_detay.isim as turu, ilanlar.turID FROM (emlak_ilanlar ilanlar) LEFT JOIN emlak_ilan_detaylari ilan_detaylari ON ilan_detaylari.ilanID = ilanlar.id && ilan_detaylari.lang_id =1 LEFT JOIN emlak_ilan_resimleri ilan_resimleri ON ilan_resimleri.ilanId = ilanlar.id && ilan_resimleri.temsili = 1 LEFT JOIN emlak_maps ON ilanlar.id = emlak_maps.ilan_id LEFT JOIN emlak_para_birimleri para_birimleri ON para_birimleri.id = ilanlar.para_birimi LEFT JOIN emlak_turleri_detay ON emlak_turleri_detay.tur_id = ilanlar.turID && emlak_turleri_detay.lang_id=1 LEFT JOIN emlak_islem_tipleri_detay islem_tipleri_detay ON islem_tipleri_detay.tip_id = ilanlar.islemID && islem_tipleri_detay.lang_id=1 LEFT JOIN emlak_bolgeler bolgeler ON bolgeler.id = ilanlar.bolge_id && bolgeler.durum = 1 WHERE ilanlar.islemID IN (‘1’) AND ilan_detaylari.lang_id = ‘1’ AND ilanlar.ilanDurum = 1 ORDER BY fiyat asc LIMIT 5

here’s a hint for future threads: please format your SQL so that a human being, not just a database engine, can read and understand it

SELECT ilanlar.id
     , ilanlar.emlak_kod
     , ilanlar.tipID
     , ilan_resimleri.file_slug as resim
     , ilan_resimleri.ext
     , ilan_detaylari.baslik
     , ilan_detaylari.alias
     , ilanlar.map_durum
     , emlak_maps.lat
     , emlak_maps.lng
     , emlak_maps.map_address
     , emlak_maps.icon
     , emlak_maps.map_zoom
     , ( SELECT `atanmis_cat`.`kategori_id` 
           FROM (`emlak_ilan_secili_kategoriler` atanmis_cat) 
          WHERE `atanmis_cat`.`ilan_id` IN (44) ) as kats
     , bolgeler.isim as bolge
     , ilanlar.bolge_id
     , ilanlar.m2
     , para_birimleri.isim as para_birimi
     , ilanlar.fiyat
     , ilanlar.fiyatGizle
     , islem_tipleri_detay.isim as tipi
     , ilanlar.islemID
     , emlak_turleri_detay.isim as turu
     , ilanlar.turID 
  FROM (emlak_ilanlar ilanlar) 
  JOIN emlak_ilan_detaylari ilan_detaylari 
    ON ilan_detaylari.ilanID = ilanlar.id 
    && ilan_detaylari.lang_id = 1 
  JOIN emlak_ilan_resimleri ilan_resimleri 
    ON ilan_resimleri.ilanId = ilanlar.id 
    && ilan_resimleri.temsili = 1 
  JOIN emlak_maps 
    ON ilanlar.id = emlak_maps.ilan_id 
  JOIN emlak_para_birimleri para_birimleri 
    ON para_birimleri.id = ilanlar.para_birimi 
  JOIN emlak_turleri_detay 
    ON emlak_turleri_detay.tur_id = ilanlar.turID 
    && emlak_turleri_detay.lang_id = 1 
  JOIN emlak_islem_tipleri_detay islem_tipleri_detay 
    ON islem_tipleri_detay.tip_id = ilanlar.islemID 
    && islem_tipleri_detay.lang_id = 1 
  JOIN emlak_bolgeler bolgeler 
    ON bolgeler.id = ilanlar.bolge_id 
    && bolgeler.durum = 1 
 WHERE ilanlar.islemID IN ('1') 
   AND `ilan_detaylari`.`lang_id` = '1' 
   AND `ilanlar`.`ilanDurum` = 1 
    BY fiyat asc LIMIT 5

so the problem is that the subquery returns more than one row?

try changing this –

     , ( SELECT `atanmis_cat`.`kategori_id` 
           FROM (`emlak_ilan_secili_kategoriler` atanmis_cat) 
          WHERE `atanmis_cat`.`ilan_id` IN (44) ) as kats

to this –

     , ( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(kategori_id) 
           FROM emlak_ilan_secili_kategoriler 
          WHERE ilan_id = 44 ) as kats

That worked.
Thank you so much.

One more question;

I don’t get only kategori_id with subquery, i also get category_name and slug,

I will use them to make links.

What should i do now?

I tried like this

( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT_WS("+",atanmis_cat.kategori_id , atanmis_cat_detay.isim , atanmis_cat_detay.slug) order by atanmis_cat_detay.isim)  
                  from emlak_ilan_secili_kategoriler atanmis_cat 
                  left join emlak_kategorileri_detay atanmis_cat_detay on atanmis_cat_detay.root_id = atanmis_cat.kategori_id && atanmis_cat_detay.lang_id = 1
		  where atanmis_cat.ilan_id = ilanlar.id ) as CATEGORI

I got this:

[CATEGORI] => 2+Category name 1+slug 1, 6+category name 2 +slug 2, 4+category name 3+slug 3

Is that the right way? or should i do something different?

Because after that , i have to use php preg_split function to get id , category_name and slug again.

What i am doing is Right? or there is a better way you should advise?

For example ; can i prepare links with mysql already? Is there a way mysql doing this.

Thanks again.

then what you gave me earlier wasn’t your “real” query :wink:

Is that the right way?
that’s a good solution

concatenate the columns first with CONCAT_WS, then concatenate the multiple row columns together with GROUP_CONCAT

this ensures that the subquery returns only 1 row for each ilanlar.id

yes, you have to “post-process” the results in php in order to construct your category links

thank you so much my friend thank you:)