Which is best browser?

i want know…which is best browser ?

Best for what? If you ask 10 people, chances are you’ll get at least 3-4 different answers. Modern browsers all have some strong and some weak points, probably. So it all depends on what is important to you.

My choice is Firefox. Opera and Chrome render some stuff faster, but Firefox seem to read everything (no compatibility issues or crashes) and it has tons of add-ons, so you have some great possibilities to style and customize it.

I have some experience with Chrome, Safari, Firefox, & Explorer. They all have some benefits, but Chrome is my favorite so far, because of the speed. I haven’t had problems with crashes. I’m sure that there are as many answers to this question as there are options for browsers, & in the end it will boil down to personal preference and what purpose you are using them for.

In my opinion Mozila firefox, Chrome is the best browser.

Firefox was the slowest browser the last time I ran JavaScript execution time comparisons, with Internet Explorer almost as slow. Of course IE has undergone a transformation since then and so might be a good alternative.

Both Chrome and Opera (version 12 not the Chrome clone) are much faster than the others with Opera 12 having many features that the others still haven’t introduced (even though they keep copying Opera features).

I think, Mozilla is best, but Chrome is also best for quick search and Google service.

When it comes to speed, chrome is the best. But Mozilla Firefox is safer. It can detect malware that other browsers can’t so that’s why it’s a little slower.

Mozilla Firefox 26.0

As guido2004 says, it all depends on what’s important to you. I use Firefox, because it allows me to zoom text only, without zooming the rest of the page, too, and remembers my preferences on a site-by-site basis. I care less about speed than about usability, so I’m happy to stick with Firefox. Of course, if the current fad for microscopically small text should ever die out, I might think again… :slight_smile:

Chrome by far due to running a separate process instance per tab to utilize multi-core cpu.

I love google chrome best…It’s the fastest browser with lots of helpful add on…Until now I haven’t found the weakness of this browser…

As most people do, I also like using Chrome a lot, especially for google search. But when I use some add-ons, I switch to firefox. Based on my experience, some add-ons work better on Firefox than on Chrome.

Google Chrome is best browser when we are talking about speed and reliability…

Google Chrome, without doubt. Fast, easy to access , secure and easy to switch b/w 2 tasks. For me, Chrome all the way :slight_smile:

Hello Deepit,

First thing is for which purpose you are going to use a browser. I am suggesting you for internet marketing purpose Mozilla Firefox is the best option.



Chrome and Firefox.
Nobody will use Internet Explorer today.

The OP didn’t return, so I guess he’s not interested in this thread anymore.
And since it’s turning into a “I like xxxxx” list of replies, I’m going to close it. Thanks all for participating.